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DSSSB TGT & up police

DSSSB vacancy-

Delhi subordinate service selection board are invited online for  many teaching and non teaching Posts

under Advert. no. -02/2021 List of post given bellow...

  1. TGT (trained graduate teacher)
  2. Assistant teacher
  3. LDC
  4. Patwari
  5. Head clerk 
   Those candidate which eligible and interested can read detail adv. before apply there after apply 

Starting registration- 25/05/2021

Last date for apply- 24/06/2021

fee- 100, for women & Handicaped- 0

Uttar Pradesh Police recruitment & promotion board -

UP Police ASI Confidential/ Clerk/ Accountant

Start date- 1/06/2021

end date- 15/07/2021


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